Common Bronzed Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor ) (L)  and Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) (R)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February 19, 2012; Feb. 18, 2017           

                                                                                                                                                                                       © 2012 Callyn Yorke                                                                 © 2017 Callyn Yorke


                                                                                    Aleutian Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February 17, 2012


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 © 2012 Callyn Yorke


                                                                                                  Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February 19, 2012


                                                                                                           ©  2012 Callyn Yorke


February 18-19, 2017  Bishop City Park and June Lake, Inyo County CA (28 Species)


Inyo County viewing east from I-395 about  10 mi. north of Bishop, CA   18 February 2017                                                                                                    Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus)  Bishop City Park, CA   19 February 2017


                                                                                                            © 2017 Callyn Yorke




Weather: Variable cloudiness with occasional snow flurries and blizzards above 7,000 ft. ; heavy snowpack in Mammoth-June Lakes area; rain, heavy at times below 6,500 ft. ; 28F to 55F.

Time: 0800- 1800 hrs.

Observers: Toan and I.

Areas Covered: 1) Bishop City Park ( BCP 18 & 19 Feb.). We walked through the park to the eastern edge, surveying a permanent stream, pond, lawns, ornamental shrubs and mature cottonwoods. 2) Mammoth Village (MV):  We walked around the village; heavy snow pack with roadside snowbanks indicating about 8 ft. of accumulated snow over the past two weeks (19 Feb)  3) June Lake (JL): We walked around the western edge of the lake and through June Lake village. Several feet of accumulated snow, though not as much as in Mammoth. The lake was covered with snow and ice with some open water in the southwest corner.




American Wigeon  100 (m,f) in pairs and cohesive flocks swimming in stream and pond, BCP.



                                                      American Wigeon (Anas americana) male (L) and female (R)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  19 Feb. 2017



Mallard  20  (m,f) in pairs and small flocks at edges of stream and pond, BCP;  20 on and around dock, JL.

Ring-necked Duck  3  (m,f)   two adjacent males diving in pond, BCP.


                                                         Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) female (L) and male (R)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  19 February 2017


                                                                                                                           © 2017 Callyn Yorke



Bald Eagle  1 (ad) circling above the village, JL.

Red-shouldered Hawk  1 vocal in cottonwoods, BCP.

American Coot   10  in the stream and pond, BCP.

Ring-billed Gull  2 (ad)   edge of the pond, BCP.

Eurasian Collared Dove  2  BCP.

Nuttall's Woodpecker  1 (m) vocal;  in cottonwoods, BCP (photo).


                                                               Nuttall's Woodpecker (Picoides nuttallii) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  18 Feb. 2017


                                                                                                                                     © 2017 Callyn Yorke




Downy Woodpecker  2 (m,f) vocal; individuals foraging in adjacent trees frequently on small diameter limbs in cottonwoods and willows, BCP (photo).


                                                                              Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  19 Feb. 2017


                                                                                                                                   © 2017 Callyn Yorke




Hairy Woodpecker  1 (m) foraging on trunks of mature cottonwoods, BCP (photo).


                                                            Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  19 Feb. 2017


                                                                                                                                                              © 2017 Callyn Yorke





Northern (RS) Flicker   1 vocal; in cottonwoods and on ground, BCP (photo).



                                                                       Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  19 Feb. 2017


                                                                                                                                           © 2017 Callyn Yorke






Common Raven  2  BCP; ubiquitous but seldom more than 1-2 individuals at any one location.

American Crow  3  BCP.

Clark's Nutcracker  1  flying over park, BCP;  1  vocal; heavily wooded suburbs of Mammoth Village.

Mountain Chickadee  2  vocal; in conifers and on ground at edge of lake, JL (photo).


                                                      Mountain Chickadee (Poecile gambeli) June Lake, Mono County CA  19 February 2017


                                                                                                                                                                © 2017 Callyn  Yorke





Brown Creeper  1  foraging on main limbs of a mature cottonwood next to the stream;  female DOWO nearby on the same limb, BCP (photo).


                                                                                                                        Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA    19 February 2017


                                                                                                                                                           © 2017 Callyn Yorke



Townsend's Solitaire  1  flying over park, BCP.

American Robin  6  a loose flock on adjacent playing field, BCP.

Mountain Bluebird  2  an active pair at edge of open field; in willows and cottonwoods, BCP (photo).


                                                          Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) Bishop City Park Inyo County CA 18 February 2017


                                                                                                                                    © 2017 Callyn Yorke







European Starling  10 vocal flock in cottonwoods and on lawns, BCP.

Cedar Waxwing  20  a cohesive flock in canopy of cottonwoods, BCP.


Palm Warbler  1 active low, on ground and in a brush pile beneath an isolated cottonwood surrounded by puddles; ascended into lower willow branches as I approached for photos. Following my report of the discovery of this vagrant species to Guy McCaskie, the Heindels notified me that a Palm Warbler (presumably the same individual) had last been seen in BCP on 8 November, 2016.



                                                         Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA 18 February 2017


                                                                                                                                                 © 2017 Callyn Yorke



White-crowned Sparrow  8 (ad, imm) foraging on lawns around dense shrubbery used for cover, BCP.

Dark-eyed Junco  6  on lawns and bare ground, BCP.

Brewer's Blackbird  20  (m,f) in cohesive flocks on lawns and bare ground, BCP.

House Finch  4  (m,f) vocal in cottonwoods and other trees, BCP.

Lesser Goldfinch   calls (unseen) in canopy of cottonwoods, BCP.

























January 11-13, 2016  Bishop City Park and vicinity; Mammoth Mt. and June Lake, Inyo County, CA (34 Species)


                          Buttermilk Road, Inyo County, CA  13 January 2016


                                                                                                                        © 2016 Callyn Yorke


Weather: Partly cloudy; 26F to 43F; Winds, WNW, ENE 1 - 10 mph. Snow above 5,000 ft.

Time: 0700- 1600 hrs.

Observers: Merissa Mendez and I.

Areas Covered:  1) Bishop City Park (Jan. 13 & 14); I walked the perimeter of the entire park on both days; adjacent fields and pastureland was also surveyed visually. The park consists of large, mature cottonwoods, along with an assortment of mature conifers. A large (partially frozen) pond and canal (Rawson Canal) occur on the property, attracting numerous waterbirds. Landbirds were mostly found in the mature trees and trimmed shrubs on the perimeter. Except for maintenance personnel, the park was quiet and largely undisturbed by human activities during my morning and afternoon surveys (BCP).

2) Line Rd. (LR), Warm Springs Rd. (WSR), Owens River (OR) and Buttermilk Rd (BR)., Inyo County. We drove slowly, east, south and west on these lightly traveled back roads, stopping frequently to obtain digital photos of the magnificent scenery while searching for birds (e.g. Black-billed Magpie). Most of the birdlife was found along the Owen's River drainage and in adjacent livestock pastureland (13 Jan).  3) Mammoth Mt. (MM) and June Lake (JL). I surveyed the upper slopes and summit of Mammoth Mt. (8,000 - 11,000 ft), which was being used by many skiers and snowboarders. Birdlife was generally scarce at higher elevations, e.g. above 8,000 ft. 4) We drove directly from Mammoth Mt. to June Lake via US 395, stopping to walk around the town and western lakeshore in search of birds. Increasing afternoon winds brought a chill to the air and appeared to decrease bird activity and detectability during our survey (12 Jan.).


                                                                        Viewing Northeast Between Line Road and Warm Springs Road, Inyo County CA  13 January 2016


                                                                                                                                                                               © 2016 Callyn Yorke



                                                             West shore of June Lake, Mono County CA  12 January 2016


                                                                                                                                                                                              © 2016 Callyn Yorke





Birds Noted



Snow Goose  1  flying low over eastern fields and drainage, BCP.

American Wigeon  85  (m,f) vocal, gregarious; grazing on park lawns; swimming in canal; taking crumbs thrown by visitors BCP.


American Wigeon (Anas americana) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  11 January 2016

                                                                                                                                             © 2016 Callyn Yorke


Mallard (wild type)  30  (m,f) with AMWI; 8 domestic and hybrid, BCP.

Ring-necked Duck  3 (m,f) swimming in pond with AMWI and MALL, BCP.

Red-shouldered Hawk  1 (ad) perched low in cottonwood over canal, BCP (photo).



                   Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) Bishop City Park, CA  13 Jan 2016


                                                                           © 2016 Callyn Yorke





Red-tailed Hawk    1(ad)  perched in a tall cottonwood adjacent to park, BCP; 2 individuals in trees next to OR and pastureland, WSR.

American Coot   12  BCP.

Eurasian Collared Dove 10  BCP.

Nuttall's Woodpecker  1 (f) foraging on cottonwoods, BCP.

Downy Woodpecker   2  (m,f) vocal, gregarious;  a pair foraging together and separately on small branches of cottonwoods, BCP (photo).


Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) Bishop City Park, Inyo Co CA  13 Jan 2016

                                                                                              © 2016 Callyn Yorke



Northern (RS) Flicker  3  (m,f) vocal, gregarious; in cottonwoods, BCP;  1 OR.

Black Phoebe  1  vocal, edge of canal, BCP.

Clark's Nutcracker  1 calls, coniferous woodland at tree-line, MM.

Black-billed Magpie  5: vocal; individuals and pairs maintaining contact with repeated calls; riparian edge of OR @ WSR (photo); also pastureland, WSR and US 395 near southern Bishop city limits.



                                                          Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) Owens River at Warm Springs Rd. Inyo Co CA  13 Jan 2016


                                                                                                                               © 2016 Callyn Yorke



American Crow  2  BCP.

Common Raven  6  flying around park and suburbs, BCP; WSR.

Mountain Chickadee  2  vocal, in a variety of trees, BCP.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet  1 in a variety of trees, BCP.

Western Bluebird  4  in shrubs bordering canal, BCP;  6  a mobile flock in shrubland at the foot of the mts. BR.

Townsend's Solitaire  1  in front of hotel, perched in tall tree, JL (photo).


                Townsend's Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi) June Lake, Mono Co CA  12 Jan 2016


                                                                                           © 2016 Callyn Yorke




American Robin   2  BCP.

Northern Mockingbird  1 BCP.

European Starling  10  vocal, gregarious, BCP.

Yellow-rumped Warbler  1  in mature deciduous and evergreen trees, BCP.

Spotted Towhee  2   in shrubs and trees bordering park, BCP (photo).


Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  13 January 2016

                                                                                                 © 2016 Callyn Yorke




Lincoln's Sparrow  1 on ground in grass and shrubs on fence line adjacent to canal, BCP.

White-crowned Sparrow  8  vocal, gregarious; staying close to shrubs bordering canal, BCP; WSR.

Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco  3 foraging in grass beneath shrubs and trees, BCP.

Red-winged Blackbird  10  (m,f) gregarious; flock moving with BRBL in and around park; at adjacent bird feeder, BCP.

Brewer's Blackbird  40  (m,f) gregarious; flock moving around in and near the park, BCP.

Cassin's Finch  1   with HOFI, foraging on clusters of dry fruit pods in crown of a deciduous tree, BCP (photo).


                                  Cassin's Finch (Carpodacus cassinii) Bishop City Park, Inyo Co CA  13 Jan 2016


                                                                                      © 2016 Callyn Yorke



House Finch   20  (m,f) vocal, gregarious; foraging on dry fruit pods; bird feeders, BCP; 5 OR; WSR.

American Goldfinch  15 (m,f) vocal, gregarious; bsc. plmg.; one in alt. plmg. (photo); foraging with HOFI in crown of cottonwoods, BCP.



American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) Bishop City Park, Inyo County CA  13 January 2016

                                                                                                                                             © 2016 Callyn Yorke



House Sparrow  5  vocal, gregarious; edge of park, BCP.

























February 16 - 20, 2012  Lone Pine, Bishop, Owen's Valley, June Lake, CA (58 Species)

Weather: Fair to increasing cloudiness; 39F to 63F (ONL 18F); winds variable, NW, NNW, 2 -7 mph. Snow level about 6500 ft. Relatively dry conditions prevailing over the region this winter.

Time:  0745 - 1630 hrs.

Observers: Merissa Mendez and I (cy alone 2/19).

Areas Covered: 1) Northbound on US 395 (395), we had a lunch break and brief drive-through tour of Lone Pine (2/16) (LP). 2) Bishop City Park, Elevation ca 4300 ft.(BCP): I surveyed all of the park and adjacent pastureland, drainages and suburbs (2/17; 2/19: 0745-1020 hrs.). The park includes a swift flowing stream along the north border and a pond in the east-central area surrounded by large  (3-5 ft. DBH) cottonwoods. Relatively few park visitors were present during my surveys; adjacent playing fields were vacant. 3) Round Valley (RV): We drove a ca 5 mile loop, clockwise from HWY 395 at the Pine Creek Rd. exit and back. The route, largely on dirt roads, passes through pastureland bordered by deciduous trees (cottonwood, elm). Relatively few birds were found here.  4) Pleasant Valley Reservoir, North Entrance at the DWP facility (PVRN- 2/18). We birded the desert canyon and riparian strip along a swift flowing stream adjacent to the DWP facility. 5) Pleasant Valley Reservoir, South Entrance (PVRS - 2/18). We walked from the parking area uphill to the dam and about 0.7 miles along the north trail bordering a large reservoir. Very little birdlife was found; the lake appeared to be well-stocked with fish, attracting many fishermen, notably a few Loud-mouthed Ass.   6) Five Bridges and Fish Slough Road, beginning about 1.5 mile north of Bishop on HWY 6 ( FS 2/18). We drove from the intersection of Jean Blanc Rd., north about 10 miles (crossing into Mono County ) to a large display of petroglyphs. From the latter location, we drove a narrow 4WD trail into a narrow canyon, where several Sage Sparrow and two Mountain Bluebird were found. We returned southward on Fish Slough Road, turning east onto a road leading to a sulphur spring and marsh at the edge of a livestock pasture. The stream and pond contained several small fish (possibly the endemic Owen's Sucker Catastomus fumeiventris - photo) that appeared to be common. Here we found two singing Marsh Wrens; nearby, flying fast to the north end of the valley, we spotted a Rough-legged Hawk and Red-tailed Hawk for comparison. Aside from the aforementioned bird species, relatively little bird life was found during our rather lengthy drive along Fish Slough Road. Most of the marsh is inaccessible, which might explain our rather small bird list. The best location for birds appeared to be the artificial ponds near the intersection of Fish Slough Road and Jean Blanc Rd., and especially the pond near the the intersection of Five Bridges Road and HWY 6. The latter location produced a Common Merganser, one of only four individuals found in this region during our surveys.  7) June Lake, Elevation ca 7600 ft.(JL,  2/18). We walked around the small community of June Lake, surveying birds at the marina and around a yard with several bird feeders (Alderman Street). The latter location was the most productive for birds in June Lake; Clark's Nutcracker and Cassin's Finch visited the feeders and allowed photos at close range. 8) About 3 miles northwest of Bishop, we found the signed freeway exit to Millpond Park and Campground (MP 2/18). I walked around the south border of a large pond and marsh, where two Green-winged Teal were found. Adjacent fields bordered by deciduous and evergreen trees were also surveyed. Lastly, we drove slowly through the closed campground, inspecting a dense grove of deciduous trees along a small stream. Several loose dogs were running through the park, effectively cutting our survey time short. Reynolds Road Loop (RR): We drove this ca 3 mile loop on the west side of HWY 395, surveying pastureland, barnyards, riparian areas and a campground. This was the only area where the Black-billed Magpie was found (2/20). Fish Hatchery located on the west side of HWY 395 about 5 miles south of Big Pine on Fish Springs Road ( FH  2/20). We walked around the facility (concrete pools crowded with trout), surveying saltbush scrub, willow thickets and a deep drainage channel lined by a fresh water marsh. One immature Bald Eagle was found nearby the facility. Tinemaha Reservoir and drainage (TR   2/20 ). We walked about 1.5 miles south from the parking area below the dam and back, surveying a flood plain of willow riparian and rabbitbrush scrub pastureland along the river channel. Then, I walked about a mile east on the dam and back, surveying the reservoir. Birdlife was generally scarce in both places. Most of the waterbirds on the reservoir were in the northern section, which would have required a lengthy hike and a spotting scope. I used a 10x42 binocular, 35-55x scope and DSLR camera for the surveys. Conditions were generally good everywhere for finding and identifying birds.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found during the surveys included:  Aleutian Cackling Goose (1), Rough-legged Hawk (1), and Common Grackle (1).


                    Tinemaha Reservoir, Owen's Valley Inyo County, CA  20 February, 2012


                                                                                                                                                                                                               © 2012 Callyn Yorke



Snow Goose   14  flying over a golf course (Mt. Whitney Golf Club)south of Lone Pine, 395.

Aleutian Cackling Goose  1  with mallards and coots at the edge of the pond, BCP (photo).

Aleutian Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia)  Bishop City Park, Inyo Co, CA  Feb 17, 2012

                                                                                                                                        © 2012  Callyn Yorke


American Wigeon   40 (m,f)   flocks on lawns and in the creek; calls; relatively tame BCP (photo); 1 (f) in pond MP.


American Wigeon (f, m)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February 17, 2012


                                                                                                                                   © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Mallard  55 (4 hybrids) (m,f; )   in and near water; BCP;  60  on shore, JL;  4  in pond, ML.

Northern Pintail  2 (m,f) open water, e, TR.

Green-winged Teal  2 (m) hiding in marsh at edge of pond, ML.

Ring-necked Duck   8 (m,f)  swimming in pond; wary, BCP (photo);  20 (m,f)   in ponds and backwater of stream, FS.


Ring-necked Duck (m)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  Feb. 17, 2012

                                                                                           © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Bufflehead   2 (m,f)  roadside gravel pit pond, FS; 4 TR.

Common Merganser  1 (m)  roadside gravel pit pond, FS. 3, TR.

Ruddy Duck   5 (m,f)   diving, roadside gravel pit pond, FS. 20, TR.

California Quail  8  foraging in pasture adjacent to park, BCP.

Great Blue Heron  1 (ad) flying low over reservoir, SPVR. 1, TR.

Red-tailed Hawk   2  on utility poles, 395;  2  flying low over pasture, RV;  2  flying, FS. 1, TR.

Rough-legged Hawk  1  flying low from open field at n end of valley; noted black tail band and wrist patches on underwing, FS (Mono Co).

Bald Eagle  1 (imm, first year) on utility pole (photo), FH; 1 (ad) flying, TR.


Bald Eagle (immature) Bishop Fish Hatchery, Inyo County, CA  20 February, 2012

                                                                                                                     © 2012 Callyn Yorke


American Kestrel   1  perched in tree, LP;  2  utility poles and lines, 395; 1  in tree, FS.

American Coot   80  in and around water; foraging on lawn, BCP;  5  roadside pond, FS; 8  in and around lake, JL.

Killdeer   8  on playing fields, BCP.

California Gull  15 (ad) resting in center of roadside pond, FS.

Eurasian Collared Dove  2  in trees and at feeder, BCP;  4  near feeder, JL (photo).

Eurasian Collared Dove  June Lake, Mono County, CA  February 18, 2012

                                                                                                                       © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Nuttall's Woodpecker  1 (f)  foraging on cottonwood, BCP (photo).

Nuttall's Woodpecker (f)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA Feb 17, 2012

                                                                            © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus)  1 (m) dark wings, long bill.  Foraging on cottonwood, riparian edge of BCP (3 photos). BCP.


Hairy Woodpecker  (m)  note dark upper wings suggesting Pacific NW subspecies P. v. sitkensis)  Feb. 17, 2012  BCP, Inyo Co  CA  February 17, 2012


                                                                                                                         © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Northern Red-shafted Flicker   5  (m,f) foraging on lawns, in open fields; calls, BCP (photo).


Northern Red-shafted Flicker (m)  Bishop City Park, Inyo Co, CA 17 Feb 2012

                                                                                                © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Black Phoebe   1 fly, call, perched on fence by stream, PVRN.

Say's Phoebe  1  flying low over pasture, LP.

Loggerhead Shrike  1  on fence, FS.

American Crow   10  active, calls, foraging on lawns; CORA nearby, BCP (photo).


American Crow   Bishop City Park, Inyo Co, CA  17 February, 2012

                                                                                                                              © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Common Raven   100  ubiquitous in and around towns, LP, BCP,FS, JL.

Stellar's Jay  2  fly, call, visiting suet feeder, JL.

Black-billed Magpie  2  flying, perched on fence in pasture, RR.

Clark's Nutcracker  2  fly, call, visiting suet feeder, JL (photo).

Clark's Nutcracker   June Lake, Mono County, CA   18 February, 2012

                                                                                                    © 2012 Callyn Yorke

Northern Rough-winged Swallow  2 flying over stream and riparian strip, TR.

Mountain  Chickadee  2  fly, call, visitng feeder, JL.

Bewick's Wren  1  singing in dense streamside undergrowth, PVRN.

Marsh Wren   2  singing, dense, sulfur springs marsh, FS.

Rock Wren  2  interacting on rocky slope at edge of lake, PVRS (photo).

Rock Wren  Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Inyo County, CA   February 18, 2012

                                                                                                                                © 2012 Callyn Yorke


American Robin   5  on playing fields, BCP; 2  vacant lots, JL;  3  edge of fields, MP.

Mountain Bluebird  3  in pasture, perched on irrigation wheels, LP (photo);  2  desert canyon, FS.

Mountain Bluebird  Lone Pine, Inyo County, CA  February 16, 2012

                                                                                         © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Dipper ?  2 (unseen)   calls from rapids beneath dam, TR.

Northern Mockingbird  1  song, trees at edge of pasture, BCP.

European Starling    35  active, vocal, foraging on lawns, BCP;  5  visiting feeders, JL.

Cedar Waxwing   11  calls;  flock coming to creek for drink, BCP (photo).


Cedar Waxwing   Bishop City Park, Inyo Co, CA  February 19, 2012

                                                                                                                                                          © 2012  Callyn Yorke


Spotted Towhee ( 2 subspp., including P. m. montanus and P.m. arcticus )   1 showing much white in tail (PVRN); 1 with light gray head.   dense streamside undergrowth;  2  at feeder, BCP.

Song Sparrow  1  singing from dense streamside undergrowth, east pastures, BCP. 15 (Melospiza melodia. subsp? ) all showing reddish-brown upperparts suggesting M m. montanus or M. m. fallax (photos); marsh and adjacent scrub, FH.


Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia ssp. - same individual in both photos)  Big Pine Fish Hatchery, Inyo County, CA  20 February, 2012


                                                                                                                  © 2012 Callyn Yorke



Sage Sparrow   5-8 ( not seen well enough to establish subsp.)   flushed from shrubs in desert canyon along trail, FS (Mono Co).

White-crowned Sparrow  (Z.l. gambelii)  5  edge of yards, BCP;   6 (ad, imm) at feeder, JL (photo).


White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)  June Lake, Mono Co  CA   18 February, 2012

                                                                                                                                                       © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Dark-eyed Junco (J. h. thurberi)     6  on lawns near cottonwoods, BCP; 5   around feeders, JL.

Red-winged Blackbird   10 (m,f)  foraging on playing fields; calls, song, BCP; 1 song with distinctive short, intro. phrase (Owen's Valley dialect?)  on utility wire, FH (photo).

Red-winged Blackbird (m) Big Pine Fish Hatchery, Inyo County, CA  20 February, 2012

                                                                                                                                 © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Brewer's Blackbird   60  (m,f) foraging on fields and lawns, BCP (photo); common in towns, 395; JL..


Brewer's Blackbird (m)  Bishop City Park, Inyo Co  CA   19 February, 2012

                                                                                                                                     © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Great-tailed Grackle   4 (m,f)  vocal, active in town, LP.

Common Grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula versicolor) 1  Details: Silent; unmistakable glossy blue head contrasting with coppery mantle and wing coverts (photos). About 20% larger than nearby male BRBL (photo).first seen at about 0915 hrs. with BRBL near playing field in nw corner of Bishop City Park. Refound at edge of stream next to parking lot between Carl's Jr. and BCP Visitor's Center. The bird bathed from an instream log and on shoreline rocks at the edge of a small stream running swiftly along the northern edge of the park (photo). After bathing, the bird stretched its wings and scratched its head using its right foot. This species (versicolor being the predominant subspecies seen in California) breeds and winters east of the Rocky Mountains, and is considered rare to casual in California. A COGR was found in this fall in Los Angeles County; I am unaware of any other records of this species in Southern California this year.


Common Grackle (left) and Brewer's Blackbird (right), Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February 19, 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                         © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor)  Bishop City Park, Inyo County, CA  February, 19, 2012

                                                                                                                                                                 © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor)  Bishop City Park, Inyo Co CA  19 Feb, 2012

                                                                                                                                © 2012 Callyn Yorke



Brown-headed Cowbird  6  at feeders, on playing field with BRBL and RWBL.

House Finch  2  at feeder, BCP;  4  yards near feeder, JL.

Cassin's Finch  4 (m,f)  at feeder, JL.

   Cassin's Finch (m -left; f - right)  June Lake, Mono Co CA  February 18, 2012


                                                                                                                                                                                             ©2012 Callyn Yorke


Cassin's Finch   June Lake, Mono Co  CA   February 18, 2012

                                                                                                                                                         © 2012 Callyn Yorke


Pine Siskin   13  at feeders, JL.

American Goldfinch  4  in tall cottonwoods, east edge of park, BCP.

Lesser Goldfinch  2  in cottonwoods, east edge of parks, BCP.

House Sparrow  20  edge of park, residential area, BCP;  5 around feeder, JL.