Chapter 3: The Basics of Networking

Chapter 5: Locating information on the WWW

Chapter 6: Case Study in Online Research


Last Updated: 26 Aug 2005

Objectives - Provide basic components, features and functions associated with Computer Networks.  You will be exposed to many new areas that are not addressed in the text but you will be responsible for these items for the Tests.


Describe the basic components of a network, some examples of networks, and data transmission modes


Explain the methods of data transmission, including types of signals, and modulation


Differentiate among the various kinds of communications links (transport layers) and appreciate the need for protocols


Describe various network configurations (topologies)


Connecting Local Area Networks (LANs) and World Wide Web (WWW)


Explain what is needed to get on the Internet


Describe generally what an Internet Service Provider (ISP) does


Describe the functions of a Browser


Describe how to search the Internet


List and describe the non-traditional parts of the Internet


Explain some of the ongoing problems associated with the Internet


Identify the hardware and software that are required to write, test, and execute a Web Page

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Describe the basic components of a network (data communications channel), some examples of networks, and data transmission modes

The figure above shows the basic components of a network or data communications channel.

Networks contain computers, communication links (transport layer), data transfer components (e.g. modem), and the software that allows all of these hardware components to communicate and transfer data.  This is why this section is also called data communication, in order to better describe the components that allow data to be transferred or methods of data transmission.

Most computers produce data or information as digital signals and most transport layers (such as phone lines and cable) transfer analog signals.  Therefore, the data signals often must be converted in order to communicate between computers on a network.  The modem performs two functions, modulates the digital signal from the computer so the data can be transmitted over analog lines (e.g. phone) and demodulates the analog signal so it can be placed back into the computer.  This figure shows a terminal, but it is assumed that at both ends of this network there are computers to perform the processing of the data to and from the modem.

Note: In the figure below, analog signals are the wave like red lines, and digital signals look like little square hill tops.


Some uses of networks are:

  1. E-mail

  2. Facsimile (Fax)

  3. Groupware

  4. Teleconferencing and video conferencing

  5. Electronic data interchange (EDI)

  6. Electronic fund transfers (EFT)

  7. Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)

  8. Telecommuting

  9. Online services

  10. The Internet or World Wide Web (WWW)


There are two types of communication between entities, synchronous communications which require that both the sender and the receiver are active at the same time, like a telephone (e.g. Chat rooms).  The other is asynchronous communication where the sending and the receiving occur at different times, like a bulletin board (e.g. our Student Lounge).

There are three Data Transmission Modes each of these transmission modes have distinct characteristics.

  1. Simplex transmission modes allow transfer of data or information in only one direction. An example would be a radio or television, where one signal uses broadcast communication to reach many receivers. Multicast communication involves many receivers, but the intended recipients are not the whole population, such as magazines.

  2. Half-duplex transmission mode allows transfer of data or information in either direction, but one way at a time.  An example of half duplex is like a walkie talkie where both the transmitter and the receiver can not transmit at the same time, so a signal needs to be sent when the sender is completed, so the receiver can return a response.

  3. Full-duplex transmission mode allows transfer of data or information in both directions at the same time. The opposite of broadcasting and multicasting is point-to-point communication.  A telephone communication is  point-to-point communication.

NOTE: The property of broadcast versus point-to-point communication is separate from the property of synchronous versus asynchronous communication.  Often times however, the Internet's asynchronous communications (usually has a telephone communication) is much like the postal system, but at electronic speeds, thus the Internet mimics synchronous communications because of this speed.

The full-duplex transmission mode is the most popular.

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Explain the methods of data transmission, including types of signals, and modulation

Networks can be either internal to organization or building which is known as an intranet or Local Area Network (LAN). External which would include connecting to the World Wide Web (WWW) or more commonly called the internet. External networks are usually classified as Wide Area Networks (WAN).  Below there will be discussion on the network topologies that are used on WAN, which are Star, Ring and Bus topologies.

Depending on the connections that a user has to the internet and the transport layer being used, will depend on the transfer speed of the data.

The following chart shows the internet connections, download time (speed of data transfer) and advantages (pros) as well as disadvantages (cons) associated with each type of connection. 

As mentioned above most computers generate digital signals, and if there is a transport layer that handles these digital signals, then there is no need to convert the digital signal.  Therefore, digital transmission method sends pulses over digital lines.

Where as most transport layers uses the analog transmission method

Some of the devices available to access the internet are:

  1. Modem

Most computers use a modem to convert digital signal to analog signals.  A modem modulates the digital signal to an analog signal, so the analog transmission method can be used over analog transport layer. This is called modulation.

A modem also demodulates the analog signal to a digital signal, after the analog signal has been already transferred over the analog transport layer. This is called demodulation.

Typical modem speed (according to the Chart above) is up to 56,000 bps (56k or thousand bits per second).  However, the transport layers, conventional phone lines usually don't allow this speed.

  1. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

With ISDN, users can talk on the phone line and transmit data at the same time, up to 128,000 bps (128k or thousand bits per second).

This service requires an adapter and upgrade phone services (upgrades phone transport layer) in order to get the 128k bps.

The ISDN services usually have limited service area.

  1. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

With DSL, users also uses conventional phone lines, signals are still converted from digital to analog, but DSL uses multiple frequencies to simulate many modems transmitting at once, thus there is less competition for connections.

These phone lines also share phone lines with voice, with speeds up to 10,000,000,000 bps (10M or million bits per second). Users can always be on line with this device.

DSL systems do not have an industry standard and usually require the user to be within 2 miles of the host stations, so service is also limited.  The closeness to the host along with the number of users on the network, are two items that makes the speed so fast.

  1. Cable modems

Without the benefit of digital phone lines to each house or building, for personal users one of the growing options is cable modems. This device connects up to the television cable system and can have speeds up to 10,000,000,000 bps (10M or million bits per second).  The user can be always on line with this device.

Cable television companies are also installing digital cable and offering digital cable access to the internet, so the speed is much higher than regular phone lines or traditional cable.

  1. Cellular modems

These devices are relatively slow and do not currently have many customer users, since using cell phones for internet access often depends on where the cell towers are.  If you are not in an area that has the capacity to handle internet access, your service will more than likely be unacceptable.

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Differentiate among the various kinds of communications links (transport layers) and appreciate the need for protocols

Bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies that a medium can carry and is a measure of the capacity of that link.  It is also dependant on transport layer media.

There are a variety of transport layers and some are dependent on the industry standard protocols (a set of rules set up for data communications) which allow the communication over these transport layers.  These protocols are important because no one manufacture in the industry builds all of the hardware or software in the communication channels.

The protocol that makes the internet universally possible is Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). 

The IP packet, like the postcard, has space for the data, a destination IP address, and a sequence number. IP packets are sent over the Internet one at a time using whatever route is available.

The network protocol that accesses the network by first 'listening' to determine whether the cable is free is called Ethernet.  Depending on the technology, the physical setup for an Ethernet network is a wire, wire pair, or optical fiber, called the channel, that winds past a set of computers. 

Some of the media used as transport layers are:

  1. Wire pair (wired) also known as twisted pair, which are inexpensive and these are already used in telephone systems.

  2. Shielded twisted pair (wired) which use a protective sheath to reduce noise and increased speed.

  3. Coaxial cable (wired) which have higher bandwidth than phone lines, they are less susceptible to noise, and are used in cable TV systems.

  4. Fiber optics which transmit data using light, have a higher bandwidth, are less expensive than phone lines, are immune to electrical noise and are more secure than the previously mentioned media.

  5. Microwave transmission (wireless) which is an easy and cost effective way of setting up a network, they are reserved for line-of-site transmissions and weather can cause interference.

  6. Satellite transmission (wireless) which is a microwave transmission with a satellite acting as a relay for long distance communications.

  7. A combination of transmission types can also be used to transmit information from one computer to another.


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Describe various network configurations

The above figures show network configurations which are also called network topologies (physical layout of a network) and can be set up for local as well as wide area networks.

There are three network topologies which we need to future address.  Each topology has key characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Star

  1. Key characteristic - has a central hub (e.g. node in the middle)

  2. Advantage - central hub prevents collisions and conflicts, plus if a node other then the hub fails it does not effect the overall network

  3. Disadvantage - if the link to the hub goes down, there is no alternative path

  1. Ring

  1. Key characteristic - DOES NOT have a central hub (e.g. node in the middle)

  2. Advantage - has an alternative path

  3. Disadvantage - if a node fails then the whole network fails, and no central hub to handle conflicts

  1. Bus

  1. Key characteristic - has a single pathway where all nodes are attached

  2. Advantage - if a collision results the data is re-sent or transmitted, and if a node fails there is no effect on the over all network.  Thus, most widely used in WWW communications.

  3. Disadvantage - may have a limited number of nodes it can support

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Connecting Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs)

Since many of the networks today involve Local Area Networks (LANs) which are usually a network of personal computers that share hardware, software and data, there some important hardware devices that are used to assist with the LAN connections.

They are: 

  1. Bridge which connects similar network protocols.

  2. Router is a special computer which directs traffic to best available path within the network.

  3. IP (internet protocol) switches are replacing routers since they are less expensive and faster.

  4. Gateway which connects LANs with dissimilar hardware and software and varying protocols

Some of the technology resources used are:

  1. Client/server which includes a computer that does some processing of the data before the data is sent down the network. (similar to a Bus Network)

    NOTE: Some of the computers connected to the Internet are Web servers.  That is, they are computers programmed to send files to browsers running on other computers connected to the Internet.  Together these Web servers and their files are the World Wide Web (WWW). The files are Web pages, but Web servers store and send many other kinds of files, too. These files are often used to create the Web page (for example, images or animations) or to help with other Web services (for example, software to play audio.

  2. File server which also includes a computer but does not do any processing on the data before the data is sent down the network. (similar to a Star Network)

  3. Peer-to-peer  where all computers have equal status, no one computer is in control. (similar to a Ring Network)

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Explain the Internet and what is needed to get on the Internet


There are four items needed to access the internet or World Wide Web (WWW). They are:

  1. Computer (must have an operating system)

  2. A modem or Network Interface Card (NIC) (must contain software to drive the modem or NIC)

  3. Internet Service Provider (ISP) (e.g.,,, etc.) (is already considered software)

  4. Browser (e.g. Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer) (also is considered software)

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Describe generally what an Internet Service Provider (ISP) does

It's not enough that you buy a computer with a modem or Network Interface Card (NIC), you must also pay someone to allow you access to the internet.  This requires  you to purchase access through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), also called the IP address.  The ISP gives you a unique address so you can look at items on the internet and download files to your computer, including electronic mail.  Another name for the ISP address is the domain address.

There are a variety of domains available on the internet.  The domain is a related group of networked computers. Some of the most common domains end with .com, .gov, .mil, .edu and .net.

The ISP is basically a large web server or computer that allows other users to go through that computer to access the internet.  The ISP sets up the necessary addresses through the transport layer (phone, cable, etc) and then charges users to access that transport layer.  Plus the ISP provides the necessary ISP software that communicates to the transport layer, so each user does not have to purchase their own software and hardware.  Not to mention the problems with maintaining the server.

The graphic above shows an Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and should be broken down into it's unique parts.  

For example: requesting a Web Page            e.g.       

    - Protocol                                                     e.g.         http://

    - Server computer's name                         e.g.

    - Page's pathname                                      e.g.         pressroom

    - File name                                                   e.g.         index.htm                     

Please note where the ISP unique address is that you would like to have access to in the URL, usually in the middle, next to the protocol. The protocol most used on the internet is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

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Describe the functions of a Browser

A browser is software that is used to explore the internet. Once you use the transport layer (phone, cable, etc) to access the ISP, the browser is used to connect to your HOME PAGE.  This is usually the page sent to you by the ISP as a type of advertisement, but you can usually change the home page to what ever you want.

Browsers provide status of information as you move around the internet, and stores the results in a History  file.  Also, the browser will allow you to save Favorites which are URLs that you access most.

Finally, browsers provide some form of security, or protections from accessing unwanted URL addresses.  Some browsers also have encryption that will aid in keeping people from obtaining personal information from  you when you send information over the internet.

Often browsers also include Electronic Mail (e-mail) capabilities.

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Describe how to search the Internet (Search Engines)

Once you have access to the internet via your ISP and Browser, it's often time to search for specific sites that you actually don't know where they are.  Therefore, you can use any number of search engines (e.g.,,,,,, etc.) in order to access this information.

Yes, it would be nice to know where everything is on the internet, but there is too much information for one person to remember, so save the URL of the information you want to retrieve later that you have found with your search engine in your Favorites, so you don't have to use the search engine each time.

When you access a site, the Browser stores a text file on the Web server. This text file called a cookie.

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List and describe the non-traditional parts of the Internet

Most internet activities involve accessing specific Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addresses, looking at the massive amount of information that is available and using that information to learn.

However, there are activities you can accomplish on the internet which are non-traditional uses.

For example:

  1.      Newsgroups/Usenet are sites which allow posting and reading of messages that focus on specific topics.

  2.      File Transfer Protocol (FTP) assists the user in download files to your local computer and upload files to another computer.

  3.      Telnet is a feature where you can use your PC as a terminal providing remote access to another computer.

  4.      Probably the most common use of the internet connection is Electronic Mail (E-mail) which allows you to send a written messages to others, and receive attachments such as pictures.

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Explain some of the ongoing problems associated with the Internet

Chronic internet users can become addicted to using the internet, which could lead to behavior problems.  Some people become overly concern with who is out there on the internet and what they are doing.

Some groups also fear government censorship, but the question is what are the rights of the internet user, with respect to the protection of the innocent victims? How are internet crimes viewed and what protections should be placed on internet sites to protect the publics best interests?

While there are many useful sites on the internet, not all have useful information. Some are useless, containing garbage, which can not be trusted.  

Users of the internet must be careful that they are not using misinformation or misstatements on the web for critical decisions, like finances.

Bottom line: Each user of the Internet must to be aware of the garbage that is out there, take the appropriate protections, which would include software to protect your personal data and screen unneeded information from your own families.

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Identify the hardware and software required to write, test, and execute a Web Page

In previous sections we discussed Uniform Resource Locator (URL) which points to selected addresses on the internet.  Some users like to develop their own Web Page so others can access their information.  These Web Pages need to have a unique URL pointing to the Web Page.

This section discusses the hardware and software needed to develop a Web Page.  First though, the Web Page must be well thought out,  before the page can be developed. 

Some Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide space where users can post their own Web Page, also called a HOME PAGE.

In order to access the internet, as mentioned above, you need not only an Internet Service Provider (ISP), software to talk to the ISP, a transport layer (modem, DSL, etc), you also need a Browser as well.

Finally, you need some software to develop the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) which is the language used to write Web Pages. HTML consists of a set of tags, which are commands that tell the Browser to perform specific functions.

Some people use Microsoft Word, while others use a program specifically developed to aid Web Page generation, such as Microsoft FrontPage.

FrontPage provides a feature called  WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) which basically shows the developer of the Web Page what the page will look like when it is placed on the ISP server.  Users of Web Page development software such as FrontPage do not need to learn HTML tags.

Web design software, such as FrontPage also provide templates in order to create different styles of pages.

NOTE: The Web servers do not store Web pages in the form seen on our screens.  Instead, the pages are stored as a description of how they should appear on the screen. When the Web Browser receives the description, known as the source file, the Browser creates the Web page image that we see.  There are two advantage to storing and sending the source rather than the image itself:


  1. A description file usually requires less information

  2. The browser can adapt the source image to your computer more easily than a literal pixel-by-pixel description

JavaScript is a language developed by Netscape but has also been adopted by Microsoft Internet Explorer. It also uses tags similar to HTML. While JavaScript share many of the features of Java, JavaScript was developed independent.

Java is a software programming language that is machine (computer) independent.

Java allows the user to accomplish the following:

  1. Dancing icons

  2. Sound clips

  3. Flashing messages

  4. Banners that scroll

  5. Applets - permits dynamic web pages

  6. Display animations

  7. Receive input

  8. Perform calculations

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